Welcome to AY MEDIA, where moments come to life through the lens of Ainsley Yeretsky. As the passionate founder behind the camera, Ainsley's journey into the world of photography began during her high school freshman year, sparking a love that has only grown stronger over the past year.
With a keen eye for detail and a dedication to perfecting her art, Ainsley dreams of becoming a professional sports photographer, a goal inspired by her own athletic endeavors. When she's not capturing the essence of sports on the field with her club soccer team, Ainsley delves into various other photography genres, all showcased beautifully in the photo galleries on our website.
Through AY MEDIA, Ainsley strives to bring the vibrant energy and raw emotion of sports moments to vivid life, ensuring that each snapshot tells a compelling story. Join us on this visual journey and witness the magic of photography unfold before your eyes.
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